GDSC Unilag UI/UX Challenge: Making the Invisible Visible

Developer Student Club Unilag
3 min readJan 14, 2024


Illustration depicting the “design process”

Ahoy there, “design-o-saurs and UX wizards!” Ever crave superpowers beyond just crafting stellar code or sketching mind-blowing interfaces? ‍♀️‍♂️ Well, get ready to unleash your inner hero and make the invisible visible in our epic GDSC UI/UX Design Challenge!

This year, we’re throwing down a UI/UX challenge that’ll put your skills to the ultimate test, and turn our “invisible volunteers” into the “shining stars” of the event. ✨

Remember those times at tech events where silent ninjas in volunteer t-shirts navigated the chaos, keeping things running smoother than a freshly-oiled robot? Yep, those unseen heroes are the fuel that makes everything awesome. But wouldn’t it be grand if their impact went from a faint whisper to a dazzling light show? ✨

The Challenge

The impact of these volunteers is often unseen, their tireless efforts hidden in the whirlwind of excitement. Our number one enemy here is “ineffecient communication” That’s where you come in!

We’re challenging you to design a mobile app that amplifies the power of our volunteers. We’re throwing down the gauntlet for you to design a “walkie-talkie” mobile app that elevates volunteers from backstage shadows to center stage stars.

We’re talking lightning-fast communication channels, and issue-busting tools that’ll make them feel like they can teleport anywhere, solve anything, and be everywhere at once.

Imagine instant task-juggling, lightning-fast communication channels that put conventional walkie-talkies to shame, and ensure that any issue spotted by these hardworking volunteers are quickly communicated and escalated to the relevant teams so that they can then proffer solutions to these issues that cause problems at our beloved programs and events⚡️

This is your chance to become the architect of an app that revolutionizes the volunteer experience! Not just for tech events, but for any scenario where heroes work tirelessly behind the scenes. Think schools, hospitals, even neighborhood block parties — the possibilities are endless!

So, are you ready to unsheathe your creativity, don your UX cape, and join the code crusade? ⚔️ This is an open-source adventure, where every skill from backend wizardry to mobile mastery, design sorcery to AI alchemy, is crucial. ✨ Together, we can build an app that empowers volunteers, amplifies their impact, and proves that even the quietest heroes deserve the brightest spotlight!

Gif showing avengers running on a battle scene — to envisage the invigouration that readers will have as they read this announcement

How To Participate

Get your engines revving, folks! Head over here to learn more and join the quest to make the invisible visible! Remember, the hashtag for this epic saga is #GDSCUnilagSuperheroes, so use it liberally and tag us @GDSCUnilag on X and other media ! We can’t wait to see your game-changing ideas!

Let’s paint the world with the magic of UI/UX and show everyone what happens when GDSC heroes unite!

